
Oct 09, 2024
Oct 08, 2024
Oct 03, 2024
Sep 23, 2024
  • CSCW paper, “Engage and Mobilize! Understanding Evolving Patterns of Social Media Usage in Emergency Management”, accepted for publication in CSCW’25 and PACM-HCI
Sep 22, 2024
Jun 17, 2024
  • Published McQuinn, B., Kolga, M., Buntain, C., & Courchesne, L. (2024). Russia Weaponization of Canada’s Far Right and Far Left to Undermine Support for Ukraine. International Journal, 79(2), 297-311.
Apr 26, 2024
  • Panelist on Meta Data Dialogue: “Data Sharing - the sticking points”
    • With Timothy Edgar, Libby Hempill
Apr 19, 2024
  • Presented at CSMaP Annual Conference
    • “Visual Media in Online Political Engagement: Opportunities for Computational Social Science”
Mar 22, 2024
  • Presented at Georgetown CS Colloqium
    • “Visual Media in Online Political Engagement: Opportunities for Computational Social Science”
Mar 14, 2024
  • in WSJ “Meta to Replace Widely Used Data Tool—and Largely Cut Off Reporter Access”
Feb 29, 2024
  • Co-Opting AI: Campaigning event by NYU/UVa
Jan 29, 2024
  • “How external researchers struggle to understand the ‘black box’ of Facebook” by Alan Yu
Dec 18, 2023
  • Interviewed by Alan Wu from WHYY on Facebook/Meta data access; article anticipated in January
Dec 07, 2023
  • Moderating panel on policy recommendations at Data Governance in the Age of Generative AI
Nov 16, 2023
  • TREC CrisisFACTS presentations
Nov 10, 2023
  • Interviewed for Mother Jones about Israel-Palestine and parent groups
Nov 01, 2023
  • Co-head of the ICWSM Global initiative
Oct 25, 2023
  • Gave testimony on elections and mis/disinformation to the Maryland Senate’s Joint Committee on Cyber Meeting
Oct 16, 2023
  • Member of an NSF Research Collaboration Network: Democracy in a Networked Era
Sep 10, 2023
  • Ran the Resilience And Security In The Information Ecosystem session at National Academies of Engineering Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering
    • With Yoel Roth, Kate Starbird, Deen Freelon, and Rebekah Tromble
Aug 31, 2023
  • Served as external committee member for Cinthia Mabel Sanchez’s PhD proposal at Supervised by Bárbara Poblete and Andrés Abeliuk Computer Science Department, University of Chile
    • “A Multilingual and Multi-Domain Approach for Crisis Classification in Social Media”
Aug 17, 2023
  • Following paper has been accepted: Susannah B. F. Paletz, Michael A. Johns, Egle E. Murauskaite, Ewa M. Golonka, Nick B. Pandža, C. Anton Rytting, Cody Buntain, Devin Ellis. “Emotional content and sharing on Facebook: A theory cage match” accepted to Science Advances.
Aug 08, 2023
  • Invited to present for the 711 HPW Friday Forum, “M3I - Maps, Models, and Metrics for Influence in Conflict Zones”
Aug 01, 2023
Jul 18, 2023
  • Paper accepted! Amogh Joshi, Cody Buntain. Examining Similar and Ideologically Correlated Imagery in Online Political Communication. ICWSM 2024.
Jul 12, 2023
  • Interviewed for VOA Pashto on the Taliban’s endorsement of Twitter over Meta’s Threads
Jul 10, 2023
  • Paper accepted! Paletz, S. B. F., Golonka, E., Pandža, N. B., Stanton, G., Ryan, D., Adams, N., Rytting, C. A., Murauskaite, E., Buntain, C., Johns, M., & Bradley, P. (in press). Social media emotions annotation guide (SMEmo): Development and initial validity. Behavior Research Methods.
Jun 10, 2023
  • Best Evaluation Paper award for Cody Buntain, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler, and Joshua A. Tucker. Measuring the Ideology of Audiences for Web Links and Domains Using Differentially Private Engagement Data. In the Journal of the International Conference on the Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2023. Cyprus.
Jun 05, 2023
  • Keng-Chi Chang, Cody Buntain. Characterizing Image Sharing Behaviors in US Politically Engaged, Random, and Demographic Audience Segments. PhoMemes 2023. ICWSM 2023 Workshop Proceedings.
May 01, 2023
  • Testimony for Senate of Canada’s Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs on Russian disinformation about Ukraine
Apr 22, 2023
  • Study sheds light on how deplatforming after the Jan. 6 riot impacted the larger online ecosystem
    • PsyPost,
    • By Eric Dolan
Apr 19, 2023
  • Advancing National Priorities in Language, Culture, and Technology
    • Spoke on an ARLIS-hosted panel, “Are we all speaking the same language? Supporting publicly and commercially available information”, with Sarah Oates and Neil Wiley
Mar 29, 2023
  • Presented a special briefing to Canadian members of parliament and their staff
    • “Special Briefing on Russian Information Operations in Canada”
    • Joint work with DPS and CAIDAC
    • Related to this report:
      • Enemy of My Enemy: Russian Weaponization Of Canada’s Far Right And Far Left To Undermine Support To Ukraine
  • Work featured in NY Times and Globe and Mail
Mar 24, 2023
  • Invited to present at the Fed Information Integrity R&D working group, as part of the NITRD
    • Presented “Effective Manipulation, the Socio-Technical Factors that Make Us Vulnerable, and Paths Forward”
Mar 21, 2023
  • ICWSM paper on image de-duplication is invited for R&R
Mar 20, 2023
  • Taliban CAIDAC report was referenced in an amicus brief submitted to SCOTUS re Twitter Inc v Mehier Taamneh et al
    • No. 21-1496
Mar 07, 2023
  • Journal of Qualitative Description: Digital Media
    • Cody Buntain, Martin Innes, Tamar Mitts, and Jacob Shapiro, “Cross-Platform Reactions to the Post-January 6 Deplatforming”, Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 1(2023), doi:10.51685/jqd.2023.004
  • ICWSM 2023 paper 1048 - “Measuring the Ideology of Audiences for Web Links and Domains Using Differentially Private Engagement Data”
  • ISCRAM 2023 - CrisisFACTS: Buidling and Evaluating Crisis Timelines
  • ISCRAM 2022 - Three papers:
    • Cody Buntain; Richard Mccreadie; Ian Soboroff Incident Streams 2021 Off the Deep End: Deeper Annotations and Evaluations in Twitter ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
    • Pooneh Mousavi; Cody Buntain “Please Donate for the Affected”: Supporting Emergency Managers in Finding Volunteers and Donations in Twitter Across Disasters ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
    • Shivam Sharma; Cody Buntain Bang for your Buck: Performance Impact Across Choices in Learning Architectures for Crisis Informatics ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
  • IEEE CIC Vision paper
    • Cody Buntain, “An Imperative to Assess Socio-Technical Impact of Algorithms in Online Spaces and Wresting Responsibility from Technology Companies”, 2022 Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing
  • ICWSM 2022, PhoMemes workshop papers
    • Amogh Joshi and Cody Buntain, “Exploiting the Right: Inferring Ideological Alignment in Online Influence Campaigns Using Shared Images”, ICWSM Workshop Proceedings 2022
Feb 28, 2023
  • LAist Studios interview re: QAnon
Feb 17, 2023
  • State Department invited talk: Bureau of Conflict Stabilization Operations -