INST728E - Module 7. Geospatial Analysis

We've discussed temporal and textual relevance already, and now we'll move on to spatial relevance.

We can use this data to answer:

  • What content is being posted from around the disaster's location?
  • How does this content differ from global tweets?
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import datetime
import json
import os

import numpy as np

# For plotting
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# For mapping
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer

Carry Forward our Event Description

We'll keep this for the GPS bounding box, which we will use below.

In [29]:
crisisInfo = {
    "brussels": {
        "name": "Brussels Transit Attacks",
        "time": 1458629880, # Timestamp in seconds since 1/1/1970, UTC
                            # 22 March 2016, 6:58 UTC to 08:11 UTC
        "directory": "brussels",
        "keywords": ["brussels", "bomb", "belgium", "explosion"],
#         "place" : [
#             50.8503, # Latitude
#             4.3517 # Longitude
#         ],
#         "box": {
#             "lowerLeftLon": 2.54563,
#             "lowerLeftLat": 49.496899,
#             "upperRightLon": 6.40791,
#             "upperRightLat": 51.5050810,
#         }
       "place" : [
           38.887548, # Latitude
           -77.015183 # Longitude
     "box": {
           "lowerLeftLon": -77.163578,
           "lowerLeftLat": 38.80102,
           "upperRightLon": -76.89304,
           "upperRightLat": 38.998206,
In [23]:
# Replace the name below with your selected crisis
selectedCrisis = "brussels"

# Get data about our crisis
crisisMoment = crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["time"] # When did it occur by epoch time
crisisTime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(crisisMoment) # Convert to datetime
crisisTime = crisisTime.replace(second=0) # Flatten to a specific minute

# Print converted time
print ("Crisis Time:", crisisTime)
Crisis Time: 2016-03-22 06:58:00

Reading Relevant Tweets

Re-read our relevant tweets...

In [24]:
in_file_path = "/Users/cbuntain/relevant_tweet_output.json" # Replace this as necessary

relevant_tweets = []
with open(in_file_path, "r") as in_file:
    for line in in_file:
print("Relevant Tweets:", len(relevant_tweets))
Relevant Tweets: 4687

Geographic Data

Twitter allows users to share their GPS locations when tweeting, but only about 2% of tweets have this information. We can extract this geospatial data to look at patterns in different locations.

  • General plotting
  • Filtering by a bounding box
  • Images from target location

Plotting GPS Data

Each tweet has a field called "coordinates" describing from where the tweet was posted. The field might be null if the tweet contains no location data, or it could contain bounding box information, place information, or GPS coordinates in the form of (longitude, latitude). We want tweets with this GPS data.

For more information on tweet JSON formats, check out

In [6]:
# Save only those tweets with tweet['coordinates']['coordinates'] entity
def coordinate_filter(tweet):
    return "coordinates" in tweet and tweet["coordinates"] != None

geo_tweets = list(filter(coordinate_filter, relevant_tweets))
geo_tweet_count = len(geo_tweets)

print ("Number of Geo Tweets:", geo_tweet_count)
Number of Geo Tweets: 6
In [7]:
# Save only those tweets with tweet['place'] entity
def place_filter(tweet):
    return "place" in tweet and tweet["place"] != None and tweet["coordinates"] == None

placed_tweets = list(filter(place_filter, relevant_tweets))
placed_tweet_count = len(placed_tweets)

print ("Number of Place Tweets:", placed_tweet_count)
Number of Place Tweets: 68
In [8]:
# GPS-coded tweets vs. Place-coded tweets
print("GPS-coded Tweet:")
print(json.dumps(geo_tweets[0]["coordinates"], indent=2))
print(json.dumps(geo_tweets[0]["place"], indent=2))

print("Place-coded Tweet:")
print(json.dumps(placed_tweets[0]["place"], indent=2))
GPS-coded Tweet:
  "type": "Point",
  "coordinates": [
  "id": "ad0818e2fb208dde",
  "url": "",
  "place_type": "city",
  "name": "Brasschaat",
  "full_name": "Brasschaat, Belgi\u00eb",
  "country_code": "BE",
  "country": "Belgi\u00eb",
  "bounding_box": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
  "attributes": {}

Place-coded Tweet:
  "id": "3cdad59a91d99400",
  "url": "",
  "place_type": "city",
  "name": "Galway",
  "full_name": "Galway, Ireland",
  "country_code": "IE",
  "country": "Ireland",
  "bounding_box": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
  "attributes": {}

Plotting GPS Data

Now that we have a list of all the tweets with GPS coordinates, we can plot from where in the world these tweets were posted. To make this plot, we can leverage the Basemap package to make a map of the world and convert GPS coordinates to (x, y) coordinates we can then plot.

In [9]:
# For each geo-coded tweet, extract its GPS coordinates
geoCoord = [x["coordinates"]["coordinates"] for x in geo_tweets]

# Now we build a map of the world using Basemap
land_color = 'lightgray'
water_color = 'lightblue'

# Create a nice, big figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(24,24))

# Build our map, focusing on most of the world and using
#  a Mercator project (many map projections exist)
worldMap = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=-60, urcrnrlat=80,
                   llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='l')

# Make the map readable
worldMap.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, zorder=1)
worldMap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color, zorder=0)
ax.set_title('World Tweets')

place_point = worldMap(
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][1], # Longitude
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][0], # Latitude
worldMap.scatter(place_point[0], place_point[1], 
                 s=1000, marker="o", color="blue", zorder=2,
                label="Disaster Point")

# Convert points from GPS coordinates to (x,y) coordinates
convPoints = [worldMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in geoCoord]

# Split out points for X,Y lists, which we'll use for our
#  standard Matplotlib plotting
x = [p[0] for p in convPoints]
y = [p[1] for p in convPoints]

# Plot the points on the map
worldMap.scatter(x, y, 
                 s=100, marker='x', color="red", zorder=2,
                label="GPS Tweets")


Filtering By Location

We can use existing Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to determine from where a tweet was posted. For example, we could ask whether a particular tweet was posted from the United States. This filtering is often performed using shape files. For our purposes though, we established a bounding box along with the crisis data, so we'll use that as our filter for simplicity.

In [30]:
# Get the bounding box for our crisis
bBox = crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["box"]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,8.5))

# Create a new map to hold the shape file data
targetMap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=bBox["lowerLeftLon"], 
                    resolution='h', area_thresh=1)

targetMap.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, 
targetMap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color, zorder=0)

place_point = targetMap(
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][1], # Longitude
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][0], # Latitude
targetMap.scatter(place_point[0], place_point[1], 
                 s=100, marker="o", color="blue", zorder=2,
                label="Disaster Point")

# Now we build the polygon for filtering
# Convert from lon, lat of lower-left to x,y coordinates
llcCoord = targetMap(bBox["lowerLeftLon"], bBox["lowerLeftLat"])

# Same for upper-right corner
urcCoord = targetMap(bBox["upperRightLon"], bBox["upperRightLat"])

# Now make the polygon we'll us for filtering
boxPoints = np.array([[llcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]], 
                      [llcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]]])
boundingBox = matplotlib.patches.Polygon(boxPoints)

# For each geo-coded tweet, extract coordinates and convert 
# them to the Basemap space
convPoints = [targetMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in geoCoord]

# Track points within our bounding box
plottable = []

# For each point, check if it is within the bounding box or not
for point in convPoints:
    x = point[0]
    y = point[1]

    if ( boundingBox.contains_point((x, y))):

# Plot points in our target
targetMap.scatter([p[0] for p in plottable], [p[1] for p in plottable], s=100, 
                  marker='x', color="red", zorder=2)
print ("Tweets in Target Area:", len(plottable))
print ("Tweets outside:", (geo_tweet_count - len(plottable)))

Tweets in Target Area: 0
Tweets outside: 6

Few GPS-coded Points Exist

So it's useful to use the place-coded tweets as well. Let's see where they are.

In [11]:
# This function takes a bounding box and finds its center point
#  NOTE: This is a not-so-great hack and can lead to strange behavior
#  (e.g., points in the middle of lakes or at random houses)
def flatten_bbox(tweet):
    lat = 0.0
    lon = 0.0
    p_count = 0
    for poly in tweet["place"]["bounding_box"]["coordinates"]:
        for p in poly:
            lat += p[1]
            lon += p[0]
            p_count += 1
    # Take the average location
    if ( p_count > 0 ):
        lat = lat / p_count
        lon = lon / p_count
    return (lon, lat)

# Extract flattened GPS coordinates
place_geocodes = [flatten_bbox(x) for x in placed_tweets]

# Now we build a map of the world using Basemap
land_color = 'lightgray'
water_color = 'lightblue'

# Create a nice, big figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(24,24))

# Build our map, focusing on most of the world and using
#  a Mercator project (many map projections exist)
worldMap = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=-60, urcrnrlat=80,
                   llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='l')

# Make the map readable
worldMap.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, zorder=1)
worldMap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color, zorder=0)
ax.set_title('Place-Coded Tweets')

place_point = worldMap(
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][1], # Longitude
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][0], # Latitude
worldMap.scatter(place_point[0], place_point[1], 
                 s=1000, marker="o", color="blue", zorder=2,
                label="Disaster Point")

# Convert points from GPS coordinates to (x,y) coordinates
convPoints = [worldMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in geoCoord]

# Split out points for X,Y lists, which we'll use for our
#  standard Matplotlib plotting
x = [p[0] for p in convPoints]
y = [p[1] for p in convPoints]

# Plot the points on the map
worldMap.scatter(x, y, 
                 s=100, marker='x', color="red", zorder=2,
                label="GPS Tweets")

# Place points in a different color
conv_place_points = [worldMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in place_geocodes]
# Plot the points on the map
worldMap.scatter([p[0] for p in conv_place_points], [p[1] for p in conv_place_points], 
                 s=100, marker='x', color="green", zorder=2,
                label="Placed Tweets")


Placed Tweets in Disaster Zone

In [12]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,8.5))

# Create a new map to hold the shape file data
targetMap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=bBox["lowerLeftLon"], 
                    resolution='i', area_thresh=10000)

targetMap.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, 
targetMap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color, zorder=0)

place_point = targetMap(
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][1], # Longitude
    crisisInfo[selectedCrisis]["place"][0], # Latitude
targetMap.scatter(place_point[0], place_point[1], 
                 s=100, marker="o", color="blue", zorder=2,
                label="Disaster Point")

# Now we build the polygon for filtering
# Convert from lon, lat of lower-left to x,y coordinates
llcCoord = targetMap(bBox["lowerLeftLon"], bBox["lowerLeftLat"])

# Same for upper-right corner
urcCoord = targetMap(bBox["upperRightLon"], bBox["upperRightLat"])

# Now make the polygon we'll us for filtering
boxPoints = np.array([[llcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]], 
                      [llcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]]])
boundingBox = matplotlib.patches.Polygon(boxPoints)

# For each geo-coded tweet, extract coordinates and convert 
# them to the Basemap space
convPoints = [targetMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in geoCoord]

# Track points within our bounding box
plottable = []

# For each point, check if it is within the bounding box or not
for point in convPoints:
    x = point[0]
    y = point[1]

    if ( boundingBox.contains_point((x, y))):

# Plot points in our target
targetMap.scatter([p[0] for p in plottable], [p[1] for p in plottable], s=100, 
                  marker='x', color="red", zorder=2)

print ("GPS Tweets in Target Area:", len(plottable))
print ("GPS Tweets outside:", (geo_tweet_count - len(plottable)))

# Place points in a different color
plottable_p2 = []
conv_place_points = [targetMap(p[0], p[1]) for p in place_geocodes]
for point in conv_place_points:
    x = point[0]
    y = point[1]

    if ( boundingBox.contains_point((x, y))):
# Plot the points on the map
targetMap.scatter([p[0] for p in plottable_p2], [p[1] for p in plottable_p2], 
                 s=100, marker='x', color="green", zorder=2,
                label="Placed Tweets")
print ("Placed Tweets in Target Area:", len(plottable_p2))
print ("Placed Tweets outside:", (placed_tweet_count - len(plottable_p2)))

GPS Tweets in Target Area: 0
GPS Tweets outside: 6
Placed Tweets in Target Area: 0
Placed Tweets outside: 68

Build a list of spatially relevant tweets

Above, we just plotted tweet locations. Now let's save tweets that are geographically relevant.

In [28]:
# Now we build the polygon for filtering
llcCoord = (bBox["lowerLeftLon"], bBox["lowerLeftLat"])

# Same for upper-right corner
urcCoord = (bBox["upperRightLon"], bBox["upperRightLat"])

# Now make the polygon we'll us for filtering
boxPoints = np.array([[llcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]], 
                      [llcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], urcCoord[1]], 
                      [urcCoord[0], llcCoord[1]]])
boundingBox = matplotlib.patches.Polygon(boxPoints)

# Our list of spatially relevant tweets
spatial_relevant_tweets_gps = []
spatial_relevant_tweets_placed = []

# First check GPS tweets
for tweet in geo_tweets:
    x, y = tweet["coordinates"]["coordinates"]
    if ( boundingBox.contains_point((x, y))):
print("Spatially Relevant GPS-coded Tweets:", len(spatial_relevant_tweets_gps))

# Then check Place tweets
for tweet in placed_tweets:
    x, y = flatten_bbox(tweet)
    if ( boundingBox.contains_point((x, y))):
print("Spatially Relevant Tweets:", len(spatial_relevant_tweets_placed))

# Merge relevant tweets
spatial_relevant_tweets = spatial_relevant_tweets_gps + spatial_relevant_tweets_placed
Spatially Relevant GPS-coded Tweets: 1
Spatially Relevant Tweets: 7

Geographically Relevant Tweet Content

Now that we have a list of tweets from the target area, what are they saying?

In [29]:
# Print the relevant tweets
for tweet in spatial_relevant_tweets[:10]:
    print("Tweet By:", tweet["user"]["screen_name"])
    print("\t", "Tweet Text:", tweet["text"])
    print("\t", "Tweet Time:", tweet["created_at"])
    print("\t", "Source:", tweet["source"])
    print("\t", "Twitter's Guessed Language:", tweet["lang"])
    if ( "place" in tweet ):
        print("\t", "Tweet Location:", tweet["place"]["full_name"])
Tweet By: Xa4Crisis
	 Tweet Text: @jasminechic1 please do not post pictures of victims out of respect for relatives. #brusselsairport #zaventem
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 07:52:27 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Hootsuite</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: en
	 Tweet Location: Brasschaat, België
Tweet By: mostreytom
	 Tweet Text: #Abdeslam zit nu te lachen in zn cel zeker?  Slaat em ineens de kop in.  #brusselsairport
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 08:15:34 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Android</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: nl
	 Tweet Location: Antwerpen, België
Tweet By: DeHandelsschool
	 Tweet Text: De poorten van onze school worden gesloten. Binnen en buiten gaan kan enkel via het secretariaat. #Brussels
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 10:40:25 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: nl
	 Tweet Location: Aalst, België
Tweet By: bertrandwert
	 Tweet Text: #brussels we are standing up &amp; continue 2 dream &amp; work 4 a better #Europe don't forget 2 think #united #peace #love
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 10:44:31 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: en
	 Tweet Location: Luxembourg
Tweet By: RScheeren
	 Tweet Text: Verschrikkelijk, vreselijk, verdrietig #Brussel #PrayForBrussels
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 10:49:28 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: nl
	 Tweet Location: Helmond, Nederland
Tweet By: franklyanouk
	 Tweet Text: @sundra_beauty we are okay, we are about an hours drive from Brussels. ❤️ thanks love!
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 11:40:01 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: en
	 Tweet Location: Schoten, België
Tweet By: PhaedraV01
	 Tweet Text: #tousensemble 🇧🇪❤️ #prayforBelgium
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 10:20:17 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: und
	 Tweet Location: Waregem, België
Tweet By: IamSandraMo
	 Tweet Text: One word... #PrayingForBelgium #PrayingForHumanity
	 Tweet Time: Tue Mar 22 11:33:40 +0000 2016
	 Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>
	 Twitter's Guessed Language: en
	 Tweet Location: Bruxelles, Belgique

Media from Within Target

With this filtered list of tweets, we can extract media posted from the evnet.

In [30]:
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Image

geoTweetsWithMedia = list(filter(lambda tweet: "media" in tweet["entities"], 
print ("Tweets with Media:", len(geoTweetsWithMedia))

if ( len(geoTweetsWithMedia) == 0 ):
    print ("Sorry, not tweets with media...")

for tweet in geoTweetsWithMedia:
    for media in tweet["entities"]["media"]:
        print("\tType:", media["type"])
        print("\t%s" % media["expanded_url"])
Tweets with Media: 2
#brussels we are standing up &amp; continue 2 dream &amp; work 4 a better #Europe don't forget 2 think #united #peace #love
	Type: photo
One word... #PrayingForBelgium #PrayingForHumanity
	Type: photo

Geospatial + Temporal Relevance

We can also convert these geocoded tweets to time series and plot them as we with the time-series relevance module.

In [31]:
# Twitter's time format, for parsing the created_at date
timeFormat = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y"

# Frequency map for tweet-times
rel_frequency_map = {}
for tweet in relevant_tweets:
    # Parse time
    currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(tweet['created_at'], timeFormat)

    # Flatten this tweet's time
    currentTime = currentTime.replace(second=0)

    # If our frequency map already has this time, use it, otherwise add
    extended_list = rel_frequency_map.get(currentTime, [])
    rel_frequency_map[currentTime] = extended_list

# Frequency map for tweet-times
geo_frequency_map = {}
for tweet in spatial_relevant_tweets:
    # Parse time
    currentTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(tweet['created_at'], timeFormat)

    # Flatten this tweet's time
    currentTime = currentTime.replace(second=0)

    # If our frequency map already has this time, use it, otherwise add
    extended_list = geo_frequency_map.get(currentTime, [])
    geo_frequency_map[currentTime] = extended_list
# Fill in any gaps
times = sorted(set(rel_frequency_map.keys()).union(set(geo_frequency_map)))
firstTime = times[0]
lastTime = times[-1]
thisTime = firstTime

# We want to look at per-minute data, so we fill in any missing minutes
timeIntervalStep = datetime.timedelta(0, 60)    # Time step in seconds
while ( thisTime <= lastTime ):

    rel_frequency_map[thisTime] = rel_frequency_map.get(thisTime, [])
    geo_frequency_map[thisTime] = geo_frequency_map.get(thisTime, [])
    thisTime = thisTime + timeIntervalStep

# Count the number of minutes
print ("Start Time:", firstTime)
print ("Stop Time:", lastTime)
print ("Processed Times:", len(rel_frequency_map))
Start Time: 2016-03-22 07:01:00
Stop Time: 2016-03-22 11:59:00
Processed Times: 299
In [32]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(11, 8.5)

plt.title("Tweet Frequencies")

sortedTimes = sorted(rel_frequency_map.keys())
gpsFreqList = [len(geo_frequency_map[x]) for x in sortedTimes]
postFreqList = [len(rel_frequency_map[x]) for x in sortedTimes]

smallerXTicks = range(0, len(sortedTimes), 30)
plt.xticks(smallerXTicks, [sortedTimes[x] for x in smallerXTicks], rotation=90)

xData = range(len(sortedTimes))

ax.plot(xData, postFreqList, color="blue", label="Posts")
ax.plot(xData, gpsFreqList, color="green", label="GPS Posts")

ax.grid(b=True, which=u'major')
In [ ]: