INST728E - Module 2. Intro to Python + Jupyter Notebooks

Common Python Packages

Popular packages that come standard with Anaconda include:

  • re
  • Matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • json
  • scikit
  • NLTK

Regular Expressions

A package for defining patterns of text, searching for said pattern, and checking if a string matches this pattern.

In [ ]:
import re # Regular expression package

# Sample email addresses
email_addresses = [
    "", # Valid email
    "", # valid
    "cbuntain@umd", # invalid because "umd" isn't a valid domain
    "cbuntain@", # Invalid because no domain is given

# Regular expression for matching an email address
# - Should stard with a letter or number
# - Can include a dot before the @ sign
# - Must have the @ sign
# - Domain after @ must have some number of letters/numbers, a dot, and a top-level domain
email_match_pattern = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9]+(\.?[A-Za-z0-9])+@([A-Za-z0-9]+\.)+[A-Za-z]")

# For each email address sample, check if it is valid
for addr in email_addresses:
    if (email_match_pattern.match(addr) != None):
        print("Email address (%s) is valid" % addr)
        print("Email address (%s) is INVALID" % addr)

Data Analysis Packages

Matplotlib, numpy, and pandas are are good for data analysis

Matplotlib for Plotting

A package for standard plotting, like you might see in Excel

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# Magic line to ensure plotting happens in Jupyter
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# Matplotlib Graphing Library
import matplotlib

# PyPlot is an object-oriented plot interface to matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

x_vals = list(range(8))
y1_vals = [x for x in x_vals]
y2_vals = [2*x for x in x_vals]
y3_vals = [x**0.5 for x in x_vals]

# Plot the three datasets
plt.plot(x_vals, y1_vals, label="identity")
plt.plot(x_vals, y2_vals, label="linear")
plt.plot(x_vals, y3_vals, label="sqrt")

# Set axis labels (you should always do this)

# Activate legend in graph

# Best practice is to use to force rendering
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# For Python's random number generator
import random

# Generate several random numbers
y_r_vals = [random.random() for x in range(len(x_vals))]

# Plot a scatter plot
plt.scatter(x_vals, y_r_vals)

# Set axis labels (you should always do this)

# And show it
In [ ]:
# Generate several random numbers
y_r_vals = [random.random() for x in range(1000)]

# Plot a histogram of random numbers

# Set axis labels (you should always do this)
plt.xlabel("Random Value Bins")

# Show grid lines

# And show it

Way more can be done with Matplotlib. See for more examples.

A nice YouTube tutorial on Matplotlis is available here:

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import HTML

# Youtube
HTML('<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" ' + 
     'frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>')

NumPy for Numerical Calculations

Working with lists of numbers can be simplified with NumPy. In fact, most non-trivial data analysis packages rely on NumPy directly.

In [4]:
# Numpy for fast numeric computation
import numpy as np

# Want to add a value to each element of the list
py_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

# Could do this, but it's a little verbose
print([x+5 for x in py_list])

# Makes more sense, but this will throw an error
print(py_list + 5)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-0240d2909f5c> in <module>()
     11 # Makes more sense, but this will throw an error
---> 12 print(py_list + 5)

TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "int") to list
In [ ]:
arr1 = np.array(py_list) # create a numpy array

# Can add value in element-wise operation
#  also works for multiply, divide, subtract, etc.
print(arr1 + 5)
In [ ]:
# And works natively with matplotlib

plt.plot(range(7), arr1, label="Original")
plt.plot(range(7), arr1 * 2, label="Added")

# Set axis labels (you should always do this)

Pandas and R-like Dataframes

A dataframe is quite similar to your standard Excel spreadsheet but can be manipulated more easily in Python.

In [ ]:
# Pandas for R-like DataFrames
import pandas as pd

# Test tab-separated file for reading data
#  Woo, Chipotle data
tsv_file = ""

# Read in TSV file and convert to DataFream
df = pd.read_csv(tsv_file, sep='\t')

# Pretty-Print the dataframe automatically
In [ ]:
# How many rows and columns does this dataset have?
print("Dataset Size:", df.shape)
In [ ]:
# Can answer questions like average price
df["item_price"].apply(lambda x: float(x.replace("$", ""))).mean()
In [ ]:
# Can slice to look for only rows that mention chicken
chx_df = df[df["item_name"].str.contains("Chicken")]

print("Non-chicken items:", df.shape[0] - chx_df.shape[0])
In [ ]:
# And we can use matplotlib's graphing capabilities directly
df["item_price"].apply(lambda x: float(x.replace("$", ""))).hist()

Other Packages

We'll tackle the lighweight json package in the next module when we discuss data parsing.

We'll briefly touch on the Natural Language ToolKit (nltk) now and save scikit-learn for the future as well.


Heavy-weight package for corpora and text processing.

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import nltk

# We'll go ahead and pull in some analysis data
from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Lists of stopwords in several languages
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize # Function to split string into individual tokens
In [ ]:
# We need something to tokenize. How about our Chipotle data?
choices = df["choice_description"].dropna().tolist()

# Print some examples of tokenized choices
for choice in choices[:20]:
    print(choice, "-> ", end="")
In [ ]:
# Build a map of tokens
map_tokens = {}

# for each choice, tokenize its content and add it to map
for choice in choices:
    for w in map(lambda x: x.lower(), word_tokenize(choice)):
        map_tokens[w] = map_tokens.get(w, 0) + 1
print("Token Count Map:")
for token, count in sorted(map_tokens.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
    print(token, count)

NLTK and Packaged Corpora

NLTK also has a bunch of corpora we can use for testing.

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# Corpus of US President State of the Union addresses"state_union")
from nltk.corpus import state_union

# Look at the last 1000 characters of the 2006 State of the Union
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# Let's tokenize the state of the unions to figure out common words
word_list = word_tokenize(state_union.raw())

# NLTK has a nice convenience class called `FreqDist` for creating frequency distributions
state_union_freqs = nltk.FreqDist(map(lambda x: x.lower(), word_list))

# Print the most common words...
for word, count in state_union_freqs.most_common(20):
    print(word, count)
In [ ]:
import string # we'll use this for punctuation too

# Note that this word count has many stop words and punctuation, not hugely useful
for stop in stopwords.words("english") + list(string.punctuation):
    if ( stop in state_union_freqs ):
        del state_union_freqs[stop]
# Print the most common words...
for word, count in state_union_freqs.most_common(20):
    print(word, count)

Combining NLTK and Matplotlib

In [ ]:
plt.hist(list(state_union_freqs.values()), bins=20)

plt.xlabel("Token Count")
plt.ylabel("Count Frequency")


Other Packages We'll use

Above were the more common packages we will use throughout the course.

Let's quickly look at a few other packages we'll utilize, just so you can see them. We'll go into more depth later.


TextBlob is a layer built on top of NLTK to make the library more accessible. Basically, you just give it a string of text, and it can do a bunch of things for you right off the bat.

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# High-level Package for Text Analysis, relies on NLTK
from textblob import TextBlob

# NLTK's corpora have tokenized sentences for us, so lets use that
#  to play with TextBlob. Note that a sentence from NLTK comes out
#  as a list of tokens, but TextBlob expects a string, so we'll
#  join the words together with white space
test_sentence = " ".join(state_union.sents()[2])

blob = TextBlob(text=test_sentence)

In [ ]:
# What language is this?

# Rapid sentiment. Negative means unhappy

# Mentioned noun phrases in this sentence
In [ ]:
# Graph general sentiment
per_sentence_feels = np.array([TextBlob(" ".join(x)).polarity for x in state_union.sents()])

print("Average Sentiment:", per_sentence_feels.mean())


plt.xlabel("Sentence Sentiment")
plt.ylabel("Sentiment Frequency")


Geospatial Package for Building Maps

Basemap lets us plot world maps

In [6]:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

# create new figure, axes instances.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.gca()

# setup mercator map projection.
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-160.,llcrnrlat=-40.,urcrnrlon=120.,urcrnrlat=60.,\

# nylat, nylon are lat/lon of New York
nylat = 32.7766642
nylon = -96.7969879

# lonlat, lonlon are lat/lon of London.
lonlat = 19.
lonlon = -156.

# draw great circle route between NY and London
m.drawgreatcircle(nylon, nylat, lonlon, lonlat, linewidth=2, color='b')

# draw parallels

# draw meridians

ax.set_title('Great Circle from New York to London')
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